Thesis: Comparison of protein/creatinine ratio in a single voided urine sample with 24-hour urine protein to estimate proteinuria in pregnancy-induced hypertension.
1. Bansal Bhavana, Midha usha, Goyal Sunita, Bajwa Navjot. Comparison of protein/creatinine ratio in a single voided urine sample with 24-hour urine protein to estimate proteinuria in pregnancy-induced hypertension. J Obstet Gynecol India. 2009 Sep;59(5):424-6. (Best paper award, 2009 in JOGI)
2. Puri Suman, Bansal Bhavana. Diagnostic value of PCR in female genital TB and its therapeutic implications. J Obstet Gynecol India. 2009 Jan;59(1):67-70.
3. Puri Suman, Avasthi Kumkum, Goel Anupama, Bansal Bhavana. Scar endometriosis – a preventable complication. Obs & Gynae Today. 2006 Nov;XI (11):624-25.
4. Puri Suman, Puri Sandeep, Midha Vandana, Bansal Bhavana. Rectal endometriosis: a rare cause of intestinal obstruction. Obs & Gynae Today. 2007 May; XII (5):251-52.
5. Gill B.K., Mishra Atul, Bansal Bhavana. Heterotopic pregnancy following assisted reproductive technology. Obs & Gynae Today. 2007 Aug;XII (8):387-88.
6. Puri Suman, Bansal Bhavana, Prabha Himanshu. Asherman’s syndrome: review. Obs & Gynae Today. 2007 Sep;XII (9):420-22.
7. Midha Usha, Juneja Sunil K, Bansal Bhavana. Uneventful pregnancy after pneumonectomy- a rare case. Obs & Gynae Today. 2007 Oct;XII (10):456-57.
8. Juneja Sunil K, Avasthi K., Midha Usha, Bansal Bhavana. A rare case of diabetic ketoacidosis in pregnancy with a recent euglycemic level and post-operative disseminated intravascular coagulation. Obs & Gynae Today. 2007 Nov;XII(11):503-4.
9. Kaura Ashima, Bansal Bhavana. Spontaneous mid-trimester uterine rupture a case report. Obs & Gynae Today. 2007 Nov;XII (11):505-6.
10. Gupta Shweta, Avasthi Kumkum, Bansal Bhavana, Jain Narender, Juneja Sunil K. Single fetal demise in twin pregnancy – two case reports. Obs & Gynae Today. 2007 Dec;XII (12):548-49.
11. Avasthi Kumkum, Juneja Sunil K, Bansal Bhavana. Emergency peripartum hysterectomy: a ten-year review. Obs & Gynae Today. 2008 Apr;XIII (4): 159.
12. Puri Suman, Bansal Bhavana. Role of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs in gynecology – a review article. Obs & Gynae Today. 2008 May; XIII (5): 203-206.
13. Juneja Sunil K., Avasthi Kumkum, Singla Bhavana, Gupta Shweta, Prabha Himanshu, Mahajan Rajesh, Jain Narender. A rare case of Bell’s palsy in pregnancy-induced hypertension. Obs & Gynae Today. 2008 Sep;XIII (9): 372-373.
14. Puri Suman, Bansal Bhavana, Shirin. Recto vaginal fistula after abdominal hysterectomy – a case report. Obs & Gynae Today. 2008 Sep;XIII (9): 386-387.
15. Gupta Shweta, Avasthi Kumkum, Bansal Bhavana, Juneja Sunil K. Interstitial pregnancy- a rare case. Obs & Gynae Today. 2008 Oct;XIII (10): 410-411.
16. Taneja Ashima, Bansal Bhavana. Midtrimester termination of pregnancy in central placenta Previa – a case report. Obs & Gynae Today. 2009 Jan; XIV (1): 15.
17. Avasthi Kumkum, Midha Usha, Prabha Himanshu, Bansal Bhavana. Early intrauterine pregnancy failure: comparison of medical (misoprostol) vs surgical management. Obs & Gynae Today. 2009 Feb; XIV (2): 61-64.
18. Banerjee K, Singla B. A boon for infertility patients: Ovarian stimulation with GnRH antagonist. Fertil Sci Res 2015;2:150-3.
19. Banerjee K, Singla B. A retrospective study of different endometrial preparation protocols and their impact on the outcome of frozen embryo transfer, donor-recipient, and surrogacy cycles. JPOG 2016;7:155-59
20. Banerjee K, Singla B, Bajaj P. Does traveling after embryo transfer affect the pregnancy outcome? GJRA 2017;6: 390-91
21. Banerjee K, Singla B, Mishra A, Agaria K. Successful Pregnancy outcome in Retrograde Ejaculation – Interesting Case Report. J Gynecol Reprod Med 2017;1(4):1-2
22. Banerjee K, Singla B. Pregnancy outcome of home intravaginal insemination in couples with unconsummated marriage. J Hum Reprod Sci 2017;10 (4): 293-96.
23. Banerjee K, Singla B, Shweta. Role of low dose intravenous immunoglobulin in IVF failure – a retrospective analysis. J Clin Rev Case Rep, 2018;3(1):1-3
24. Banerjee K, Singla B, Shaili. Is AMH a predictor of pregnancy outcome in infertile females? IJAR, 2018;8(3):289-90.
25. Banerjee K, Singla B. Acceptance of donor eggs, donor sperms or donor embryos in Indian infertile couples. J Hum Reprod Sci 2018;11:169-71.
26. Banerjee K, Singla B, Gautam S. Evaluation of Quality of Life in Infertile Couples. Gynecol Reprod Health. 2018; 2(6): 1-3.
27. Banerjee K, Singla B, Mishra A, Agria K, Bharti A. Successful case of Embryo formation with Round Spermatid Injection: A Case Report. Int J Med Sci Inn Res, 2019; 4 (2): 60-63.
28. Banerjee K, Singla B. Successful retrieval of oocytes from renal transplant recipient followed by surrogacy [Letter to the editor]. Indian J Nephrol 2020; 30:50-1.
29. Banerjee K, Singla B, Verma P. Successful retrieval of oocytes followed by surrogacy in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism [Letter to the editor]. Indian J Endocr Metab 2020;24:287-8.
30. Banerjee K, Singla B. HIV Uninfected Conception in Serodiscordant Couple: Case Reports. G Women’s Health Care 2020; 2 (3): 1-3.
31. Banerjee K, Khoiwal K, Singla B Luteal phase support in assisted reproductive technologies: a comprehensive review. Fertil Sci Res 2020;7:135-40.
32. Banerjee K, Singla B (2020). Procedure in Assisted Reproductive Technology In Nayana H Patel, Sandro C Esteves (Eds) Advances in Assisted Reproductive Technology (pp. 114 – 120). New Delhi, India: Jaypee – The health sciences publisher.
33. Banerjee K, Singla B. Impact of general anesthesia during embryo transfer on pregnancy outcomes. International journal of scientific research 2021; 10 (2): 63-64.
34. Banerjee K, Singla B. IVF outcome in females with hypothyroidism with strict control of TSH levels. Indian journal of applied research 2021; 11 (2): 86-87.
35. Banerjee K, Singla B. Role of Endometrial Scratching in Implantation Failures. Obstet Gynecol Res 2021; 4 (4): 214-219.
36. Banerjee K, Singla B, Verma P. Efficacy of subcutaneous granulocyte colony-stimulating factor infusion for treating thin endometrium. Clin Exp Reprod Med. 2022 Mar;49(1):70-73.
37. Banerjee K, Singla B. Experience of COVID-19 in pregnancy in fertility center: A case series. Paripex – Indian journal of research. 2022 July; 11 (7).
38. Banerjee K, Thind A, Bhatnagar N, Singla B, Agria K, Bajaj P, et al. Effect of reproductive and lifestyle factors on anti-mullerian hormone levels in women of Indian origin. J Hum Reprod Sci. 2022; 15:259-71.
39. Banerjee K, Singla B, Agria K. Correlation of serum FSH and rate of testicular sperm retrieval in non‑obstructive azoospermia. Indian J Endocr Metab 2023; 27:167‑9.
40. Banerjee K, Singla B. Correlation of visualization of post embryo transfer air bubble with pregnancy rate. Journal of IVF-Worldwide. 2023;1(4). doi:10.46989/001c.8930341. Banerjee K, Singla B, Verma P. Role of anti-tubercular treatment in vitro fertilization (IVF). Ind J TB 2024 – In press